Erin Brockovich this week inspired several hundred high school students who were visiting the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles, to learn more about science.
Erin spoke to students about her own journey, in particular being constantly challenged as a child and young woman growing up with a learning disability, that she wasn’t good enough.
“It was difficult for me growing up because I have a learning disability. I was very often told that I couldn’t do this and I couldn’t be that. And I bought everyone’s party line. It wasn’t until later in life that I realized that, by seeing myself, trusting myself, believing in myself, that that became the real game-changer,” she said.
Computer science teacher Steve Scanlan wanted the students to hear from Brockovich, who pulled herself up by her bootstraps and made an impact on the global community.
“Somebody who is so important in pushing environmental issues, and really kind of a common person that brought herself up by her boot straps, a real inspiration for the kids. So it’s a very good story,” he said.